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DYNAFIT Lifetime Guarantee

Long-lasting durability and quality protect the environment and our resources – that is DYNAFIT’s credo. DYNAFIT has emphasized this product promise since 2019 with the Lifetime Guarantee – a guarantee that goes beyond the legally required warranty of two years and is based on the life cycle of a product. What started with bindings has quickly developed further. Now, DYNAFIT is going the next step: As of Oct. 1, 2023, the brand is granting a 10-year repair guarantee on most of its products. All the important information about this news can be found here:

Material downloads for your website

Lifetime Guarantee Logo

By clicking the download button, you can download two different versions of the logo. We recommend you use the landscape (horizontal) version of the logo.

Lifetime Guarantee Website Copy

This is where you can download building blocks for your copy about the DYNAFIT Lifetime Guarantee that you can use on your website or in your online shop for your customers. Feel free to adapt or personalize the copy as needed to suit you best. Please check the copy before use whether the timespan of two years for a legally required guarantee is correct in your country or must be adapted. 

Lifetime Guarantee Bildmaterial

Wir bieten Euch hier die Möglichkeit, weiteres Bildmaterial zur Integration auf Eurer eigenen Webseite herunterzuladen. Sollten andere Formate oder zusätzliche Bilder benötigt werden, zögert nicht, Euch an Eure:n bekannte:n DYNAFIT Ansprechpartner:in zu wenden – wir stellen Euch die gewünschten Visuals gerne schnellstmöglich zur Verfügung. Zudem findet Ihr auf Youtube ein Video des DYNAFIT Geschäftsführers Benedikt Böhm zur Lifetime Guarantee, das ebenfalls auf Euren Kanälen eingebunden werden kann: LINK



The most sustainable product is the one you have.






Lifetime Guarantee Overview

If you would like to get a look at the overview again with all the information and details or make it available to your employees, you can download that here: