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  • Free returns

Do you need to setup a DYNAFIT account to activate the Lifetime Guarantee? 

A DYNAFIT account is a prerequisite as a place where all the specifics for product registration can be collected simply and accurately. Only in this way can DYNAFIT guarantee a smooth process in the case of a repair. Creating an account is free and has no disadvantages for end consumers, for example in terms of unwanted advertisements.  Without registration or an individual account, DYNAFIT still offers a guarantee for repairs of eight years. After expiration of the legally required guarantee, however, end consumers must then cover the costs themselves.

How will customer data be used that is saved upon registration in the online shop?

Customer data will only be used by DYNAFIT with explicit opt-in by the end consumer. For example, for receiving the newsletter, end consumers muss personally subscribe. To that end, the traditional “double opt-in” process applies.

How does the dealer see that end consumers have registered the correct product?

In the case of a warranty claim, the end consumer will need to bring along a printout or screenshot of the product registration. That ensures that the claim will be processed quickly and more easily. At this time, retailers cannot directly access the portal for product registration.

How does the dealer know, which Lifetime Guarantee guidelines apply (e.g., the old or new rules regarding the Lifetime Guarantee for bindings)?

The new Lifetime Guarantee is valid as of Oct. 1, 2023. The deciding factor is the purchase date and not the date when the product was registered. If the purchase date is prior to Oct. 1, 2023, the old guidelines apply.

Serial numbers can be found inside the helmet. It consists of 7 digits and letters – e.g., 01A0916.

Serial numbers can be found in the pack next to the waterproof pocket and consists of 8 digits and letters – e.g., 04/17HGG.

On the packaging

Touring skis
Serial numbers can be found on the side of the ski at the waist. It consists of up to 15 digits – e.g., 63611098.

On the product tag

Ski touring boots
On the packaging

On the product tag

Running shoes
On the packaging

Product categories that need an article number:

Article numbers consist of a total of 12 digits, e.g., 08-0000049914. When only 5 digits are shown, then the “08-00000” must be added on to front of them. In case the packaging or the tag cannot be located anymore: The article number (“ProductID”) can be found for every product on each product page on the DYNAFIT website in the section called “product description”.

Product categories that need a serial number:

The serial number must be input without spaces.

Serial numbers can be found on the top of the skin in the middle. It consists of up to 10 digits – e.g., 151568.

Product categories that need two serial numbers:
For bindings, two serial numbers must be input. A series number consists of 6 digits, e.g., 016342. There are two places to find this serial number:


1. Quick Start Guide

On all RACE bindings, the serial number can only be found on the back of the Quick Guide that comes with every binding. On SPEED bindings, the serial number is on the Quick Guide or directly on the product – depending on how much room is available on the binding. The number consists of 12 digits; however, only the last 6 need to be input.


Important: It is imperative to give customers the Quick Guide so they can complete product registration.

2. Directly on the binding

For all SPEED bindings that have enough room on the product, the serial numbers are visible directly on the binding (instead of in the Quick Guide). For all TOUR and FREE bindings, the serial numbers can only be found engraved on the toe piece and heel unit. The two different serial numbers each consist of 6 digits, e.g., 016342.


For the rare cases that two different serial numbers are engraved not only on the toe piece but also on the heel unit (thus, a total of four different numbers), then input one of the serial numbers from the toe piece and one from the heel unit.

Text box “Serial number:” In this field, the serial number from the toe piece should be input. This can be found on the side of the toe piece.

Text box “Serial number 2:” In this field, the serial number from the heel unit should be input. This can be found on the side of the heel unit.

Text boxes “Serial number” + “Serial number 2:” The same number should be input into both fields.

Product registration

How do end consumers find the serial numbers for product registration?

On some products, the serial number is a bit hidden. After end consumers have selected the product category on the product registration screen, then an additional field called “serial number” will open. Directly under that, they can find a link called, “Where can I find my serial number?” There, they will find a visual depiction for each product category.

For example, the placement of serial numbers for each product category will be illustrated and explained in this way:

Product registration